You will laugh, but we have a game about zombies here again. Yes, and do not frown, please! This time we are dealing with a first -person shooter. Technological visual series, a lot of opportunities for the “customization” of the main waste of bullets and a lot of quick dead – this is what it is Dead Trigger. By the way, this is a game from authors no less technological Shadowgun. There are several more interesting circumstances, the story of which is located a little below.
Dawn without dead
Back to enthusiastic exclamations about graphics. She, without a doubt, is beautiful. The game with its palette and color scheme is very similar to Dead Island. Many, many bright colors, sharp transitions and shiny zombies. Yes, and shimmering in the sun. Some barely noticeable pollen soars in the air, and a bright red liquid, similar to blood, is spilled in excessive amounts throughout the level. It is worth only open spaces to be replaced by tight corridors, as a graphic engine appears before us in absolutely different colors. Correct shadows, believably simulated flames, some kind of pipes and walls with a reliable metallic shine everywhere. DISPARY DEAMS look like – if this word can be used in relation to the zombie – dignity. In the sense of vile, yes.
They are large or skinny, agile or slow. They spray black saliva, shamelessly pour thick slurry on a polished floor, show their teeth that are not cleared from the moment of infection, hit the near distances so much and paint on the ground after a small line from the machine.
Graphics in the game about zombies are important matter. But about everything related to weapons, methods of struggle, places of events and physical sensations, in no case should not be forgotten. There are a lot of “guns” here, but most of them are mined by heavy frantic labor. Or simple, but real purchase. The same applies to “upgrades” and everything else. You correctly understood that the infusion of real cash is welcome here more than.
But the management is convenient. Addiction occurs almost immediately. Twist the virtual joystick with one finger, and the other calmly poke the button, the button of reloading and turning on the target shooting mode.
Technically Dead Trigger – A series of plot and secondary tasks. The latter are fulfilled, as you know, at your discretion, but they are extremely recommended and give pleasant bonuses. The goals are set differently-to hold out until the arrival of the help, to shoot a crowd or two of the dead, prevent especially agile individuals to break through the flimsy fence, and so on.
It’s a shame, of course, that such projects spoil the forcibly soldered system of “conditional monetary donations”. Dead Trigger -a very high-quality zombie-player, the shortcomings of which are the thirst for developers to take additional money. Habitual, but insulting.
Pros: It looks beautiful;It sounds convincing;Fascinates for a long time.
Cons: obsessive “Donat”.